
Fitness and everything else

The Trees Are Blooming Now

It’s still March 30th and the trees along the street are blooming. Well technically they began blooming last week. They do smell good but they produce so much pollen that blows like dust everywhere and coats everything. I happened to notice the lower flowers today near the railroad tracks so I had to go grab a picture.

A cluster of flowers on one of the trees across the street.

This picture contains small pink and white flowers on trees.

The Grass is all deep green and many people have already mowed their lawn. I haven’t done ours yet because I refused to do it in March or perhaps I just didn’t feel like it.

Our bleeding hearts or growing like crazy now and two of the earlier ones are looking like they could be blooming soon. We only planted them last year so I don’t really know if this would be early or not for them.

One more sign of spring being here is seeing the Robin hopping around in the back yard last evening. That reminded me of Nan and Pop since they always liked seeing them. They had to tell me every time they saw one in the winter or spring.